logo of imuhira eco tourism. It has a palm tree


Ecotourism to discover Rwanda


What a wonderful part of heaven. I will come back!

Aime Foster, Canada


The staff is very nice and helps with everything!

Eva Victoire Kaikarola, Australia


We are very happy with the facilities. Keep it up!

Halma Nyirangaruye, Kigali City

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+250 784 598 950

About us

IKAZE! We are a Rwandan based green, climate friendly and sustainable tourism project that opened in 2018. Our name "Imuhira" means "at home". We own a campsite in the Nyamasheke district on the shores of lake Kivu, 18 Km from Nyungwe National Park.

We also offer cottage and homestays accommodation and organize different community-based activities. Our site allows you to experience Rwanda’s remarkable countryside while staying ‘off the beaten track’, with easy access to the popular Kivu belt and a base to the Congo-Nile trail.

We have a positive social impact in a rural place rich in culture.

a group of tourists enjoying an outdoor
              meal in the rwandan countryside

Food, Beverage, and catering

The traditionally colored lounge is used as Bar and Restaurant. 3 meals a day are served to pre-booked guests and visitors and teams on retreats or picnics. For walk-ins the restaurant serves snacks.

              Rwandan Women dancing outside wearing traditional clothing

Cultural immersion

Our guests are entertained by a local traditional troop who also have interesting stories to exchange on topics of historical heroism, the history of homegrown solutions in the Rwandan community, and conservation.

A rwandan man selling traditional 
              vases and decorations outside

Arts, crafts, and gift shop

Imuhira gift shop provides space for local artists to exhibit their creative talent through painting, sculpture, and weaving. Locally produced fabrics from the community are exposed and guests can buy them. Members of the community directly supply the crafts in this gift shop.

the top of a mountain
              there is grass. You can see another mountain and a lake

Village and Nature walks

Solo travelers and teams can go on a Village Nature Walk in teh community around the campsite or the other side of Lake Kivu in Nyabitekeri and Shangi, with local guides helping to identify plants and birds along the way.

Slide Image

Coffee washing experience

In partnership with Shara Coffee Cooperative, a 45 minutes tour of the washing plant takes you through the whole experience from coffee planting to washing.

Tourists going up a mountain. It's sunny and there are clear skyes

Hiking & Birdwatching

Bird watchers can go birding with local and native guides along Lake Kivu’s well-designed endemic birding paths. Hikes are good for exploring the diversified scenery of banana plantations, hills, rivers, and Lake Kivu.

A kayak in the river in rwanda

Kayaks and boat tours

The campsite is closer to an interdistrict port and therefore a stopover for people on kayaks, travelers of the Congo-Nile trails, and the Kivu Belt, in general. We are accessible for people using the main road or water from Karongi and Kamembe.

A group of rwandan picking tea leafs

Congo Nile Trail Guiding

Full guiding is provided on the Congo Nile Trail from Rubavu to Kamembe town (border to DRC’s Bukavu town). This is also extended to Bugarama rice plantations and water springs.

A rwandan men serving food to rwandan children outdoors


We welcome volunteers to join hands in community activities for social and environmental positive impact. We do Environmental Awareness and Environmental Conservation for students in college and the “Children in Conservation” project.

a deep cave with an individual going inside

Conservation research facilitation

Our team is qualified and dedicated to facilitating scientific and academic research on tourism, conservation, and community empowerment with a specific focus on our community and area.


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Swimming Icon


Facilities & lifejackets

Two cottages with a double bed each. Built on local materials with bewildering views of the rural landscape, hills, and the beautiful Kivu. On request, additional beds can be availed to make one of these cottages a dorm.

a cottage in the rwandan countryside at dusk

An immense campground, campfire place, tents, and facilities. This also accommodates camping cars. The adjacence is a fallow buffer zone for restoration and habitat to a diversity of riverain fauna and flora species.

a tent in the rwandan countryside

Two hospitable families have all that is needed to host and share with guests their daily life.

inside of a rwandan home with sofa and traditional decorations


All prices are in US dollars. TBD (to be decided) means that the price and booking arrangement are to be decided on a case by case basis with us.

Accommodation and meals



Children in Conservation

In partnership with the Mastercard Foundation

Contact Us

Whether you want to volunteer, book a holiday or have questions for us, we encourage you to get in touch!

group of rwandan guides doing cultural immersion


Wonderful place, good climate good hospitality!

Ernestine Mukangenzi, Kigali/grow movement

Thank you for the service!

Alphonse Nshimiyimana, Huye District

Good level of professionalism. Keep up the progress!

Twahira Clavel

I appreciate the good service rendered, I encourage more advertisements!

Fred Mubangizi, Kagano Sectors

The area is very cool and enjoyable!

Raymond Mwumvaneza, Kigali City

Good scenery and good service!

Charles B., Kigali City

Great landscape and great staff!

Alexander Riethter, Germany

A very good business that is protecting the environment.

Iragena Philbert, Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) /Kigali

The beauty is natural and incomparable!

Nkundimana David, Nyamasheke District

Very happy about the venture!

Nahayo Theogene, Nyamasheke District

Thank you for your social impact!

Bucyibarua Bonaventure, Ruhango District